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The information presented in this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's selection criteria and should be treated as a suggestion only. Please carefully review the latest versions of all relevant information on the TOSHIBA products, including without limitation data sheets and validate all operating parameters of the TOSHIBA products to ensure that the suggested TOSHIBA products are truly compatible with your design and application.
Please note that this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's estimate of compatibility with other manufacturers' products, based on other manufacturers' published data, at the time the data was collected.
TOSHIBA is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. Information is subject to change at any time without notice.
这些电路有时没有得到ESD保护。天线连接射频(RF)IC和其他敏感器件。尽管图1所示RF IC包含ESD保护电路,但其ESD耐受性通常小于1 kV HBM(人体模型)。虽然这种ESD保护级别对于制造和其他ESD控制环境已经够了,但对于移动设备通常使用环境来说却是不够的。正确的ESD保护不仅要考虑ESD保护二极管,而且必须考虑整个系统,包括RF IC中的ESD保护电路。
* Wi-Fi是Wi-Fi Alliance的注册商标。
* 本文提及的公司名称、产品名称和服务名称可能是其各自公司的商标。