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The information presented in this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's selection criteria and should be treated as a suggestion only. Please carefully review the latest versions of all relevant information on the TOSHIBA products, including without limitation data sheets and validate all operating parameters of the TOSHIBA products to ensure that the suggested TOSHIBA products are truly compatible with your design and application.
Please note that this cross reference is based on TOSHIBA's estimate of compatibility with other manufacturers' products, based on other manufacturers' published data, at the time the data was collected.
TOSHIBA is not responsible for any incorrect or incomplete information. Information is subject to change at any time without notice.
对于用于正弦波驱动的高压IPD,我们建议使用我们的微控制器或电机控制 IC。通过与我们的微控制器或电机控制IC相结合,可以实现正弦波驱动(180度换向),从而实现电机的低噪音和低振动。详情请参阅应用说明。