Statement of Environmental Philosophy

Statement of Environmental Philosophy of Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Group


We aim to promote values for tomorrow and values that coexist with the Earth, consistent with the Toshiba Group philosophy of being "Committed to People, Committed to the Future”. We will contribute to the development of a sustainable society and facilitate a new future through environmental management aimed at a decarbonized and recycling-oriented society harmonious with nature.


We consider environmental stewardship to be one of our management's primary tasks. With our passion to ensure that “Our semiconductor and storage products will always be a driving force to change the world”, we strive to consider the environment from a life-cycle perspective in all our business activities and take the initiative to solve social issues.

1.Compliance and Sustainability

1) We comply with all applicable laws and regulations, industry guidelines we have endorsed, and our own standards concerning the environment.

2) We strive to continuously improve our environmental management system and to effectively apply environmental management, through internal audits and reviews, in order to enhance our environmental activity level and environmental performances.



We plan to assess the environmental impact of all business processes, including biodiversity, setting environmental goals related to climate change, circular economy, and consideration for ecosystems. 
We will develop proactive environmental measures that support our efforts to create and provide products that contribute to solving social issues. Examples of these measures include:

1) Striving to achieve carbon neutrality to response to climate change.

2) Striving to minimize the use of resources used in our business activities, promoting the 3Rs (reduce/reuse/recycle), and making effective use of resources to response to the circular economy.

3) In consideration of ecosystems、strive to properly manage and reduce the use of chemical substances, and to conserve water resources and biodiversity.

4) Promoting collective understanding with dissemination of information on the environment, local communities / society, and also by working to improve the environmental awareness of all employees.

This Statement of Environmental Philosophy is disclosed internally and externally to the public, promotes awareness of this Statement of Environmental Philosophy throughout Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Group, and promotes our business activities according to this Statement.

Revised on Apr.1st 2024. 
Noriyasu Kurihara 
Environmental Officer, Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
