IH Cooking Heater

IH Cooking Heater

Such as high breakdown voltage, low power consumption and miniaturization are important in designing IH cooking heater. Toshiba provides information on a wide range of semiconductor products suitable for IH coil driving units, motor driving units, current detecting unit, etc., along with circuit configuration examples.



 Temp. Sensor Temp. Sensor AC-DC AC-DC DC-DC DC-DC Regulator Regulator Fan, Gate Driver Fan, Gate Driver MCU, Amplifier, Display, LED, etc. MCU, Amplifier, Display, LED, etc. +24 V / 0.5 A +24 V / 0.5 A +5 V / 1.0 A +5 V / 1.0 A Fan Fan 7seg LED 7seg LED Status LEDs Status LEDs Buzzer Buzzer MCU MCU Control Buttons Control Buttons 200 V AC 200 V AC 200 V AC 200 V AC IH Coil IH Coil Current Sensor Current Sensor LED Driver LED Driver MOSFET MOSFET IGBT IGBT IGBT IGBT Gate Driver GateDriver Gate Driver GateDriver Segment LCD Segment LCD LED drive circuit Motor drive circuit IH coil drive circuit/Current detector Display and operation section
Display and operation section

Example of display control section

IH coil drive circuit/Current detector

Example of IH current resonance circuit for driving IGBT with a gate driver coupler

Example of current detection circuit for IH coil using shunt resistor and operational amplifier

Brushed DC motor drive circuit

Example of motor drive circuit using a photocoupler for motor current feedback

LED drive circuit

Example of LED drive circuit using a MOSFET as a low-side switch


Display and operation section
Display and operation section

Example of display control section

Example of display control section
Toshiba Package Name SOT-723 (VESM) SOT-563 (ES6)
VDSS (Max) [V] 20 20
ID (Max) [A] 0.8 0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V]    
Polarity N-ch N-ch×2
TXZ+TM 3A Series M3H Group
IH coil drive circuit/Current detector
IH coil drive circuit (Current resonance circuit)

Example of IH current resonance circuit for driving IGBT with a gate driver coupler

Example of IH current resonance circuit for driving IGBT with a gate driver coupler
IGBT gate driver coupler (1)
Toshiba Package Name SO6L SO6L SO6L
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 5000 5000 5000
VCC / VDD (Min) [V] 10 10 10
VCC / VDD (Max) [V] 30 30 30
ICC / IDD (Max) [mA] 3 3 3
Output Interface totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF)
IGBT gate driver coupler (2)
Toshiba Package Name SO6L SO6L SO6L SO16L
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 5000 5000 5000 5000
VCC / VDD (Min) [V] 15 15 15 15.0
VCC / VDD (Max) [V] 30 30 30 23.5
ICC / IDD (Max) [mA] 3 3 3 10.2
Output Interface totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF)
Silicon N-channel discrete IGBT
Toshiba Package Name TO-3P(N) TO-3P(N)
VCES (Max) [V] 600 600
IC (Max) [A] 50 50
TXZ+TM 3A Series M3H Group
Current detector

Example of current detection circuit for IH coil using shunt resistor and operational amplifier

Example of current detection circuit for IH coil using shunt resistor and operational amplifier
IGBT gate driver coupler (1)
Toshiba Package Name SO6L SO6L SO6L
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 5000 5000 5000
VCC / VDD (Min) [V] 10 10 10
VCC / VDD (Max) [V] 30 30 30
ICC / IDD (Max) [mA] 3 3 3
Output Interface totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF)
IGBT gate driver coupler (2)
Toshiba Package Name SO6L SO6L SO6L SO16L
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 5000 5000 5000 5000
VCC / VDD (Min) [V] 15 15 15 15.0
VCC / VDD (Max) [V] 30 30 30 23.5
ICC / IDD (Max) [mA] 3 3 3 10.2
Output Interface totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF) totem-pole(BUF)
Silicon N-channel discrete IGBT
Toshiba Package Name TO-3P(N) TO-3P(N)
VCES (Max) [V] 600 600
IC (Max) [A] 50 50
Isolation amplifier
Toshiba Package Name SO8L(LF4)
Output Interface Analog output
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 5000
VDD1 (Max) [V] 5.5
VDD2 (Max) [V] 5.5
IDD1 (Max) [mA] @ VIN+ = 0 [V] 12
IDD2 (Max) [mA] @ VIN+ = 0 [V] 10
TXZ+TM 3A Series M3H Group
Brushed DC motor drive circuit
Brushed DC motor drive circuit

Example of motor drive circuit using a photocoupler for motor current feedback

Example of motor drive circuit using a photocoupler for motor current feedback
Transistor output photocouplers
Toshiba Package Name 4pin SO6 4pin SO6
BVS (Min) [Vrms] @ t = 60 [s] 3750 3750
VCEO (Max) [V] 80 80
Topr [°C] -55 to 125 -55 to 110
Toshiba Package Name SOT-723 (VESM) SOT-563 (ES6)
VDSS (Max) [V] 20 20
ID (Max) [A] 0.8 0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V]    
Polarity N-ch N-ch×2
TXZ+TM 3A Series M3H Group
LED drive circuit
LED drive circuit

Example of LED drive circuit using a MOSFET as a low-side switch

Example of LED drive circuit using a MOSFET as a low-side switch
Rectifier diode
Toshiba Package Name M-FLAT
VRRM (Max) [V] 600
IF(AV) (Max) [A] 1
Toshiba Package Name SOT-723 (VESM) SOT-563 (ES6)
VDSS (Max) [V] 20 20
ID (Max) [A] 0.8 0.8
RDS(ON) (Max) [Ω] @ |VGS| = 10.0 [V]    
Polarity N-ch N-ch×2
TXZ+TM 3A Series M3H Group




Application block diagram of application circuit (current sensing) of the TLP7920 isolation amplifier.
Application Circuit (Current sensing) of the TLP7920 Isolation Amplifier
This reference design provides design guide and example of simulation waveform for phase current detection with optical isolation amplifier for motor control of servo and inverter.
Application block diagram of application circuit (voltage sensing) of the TLP7920 isolation amplifier.
Application Circuit (Voltage sensing) of the TLP7920 Isolation Amplifier
This reference design provides design guide and example of simulation waveform for bus voltage detection with optical isolation amplifier for motor control of servo and inverter.
Application block diagram of aplication circuit (current sensing) of the TLP7820 isolation amplifier.
Application Circuit (Current sensing) of the TLP7820 Isolation Amplifier
This reference design provides design guide and example of simulation waveform for phase current detection with optical isolation amplifier for motor control of servo and inverter.
Application block diagram of application circuit (voltage sensing) of the TLP7820 isolation amplifier.
Application Circuit (Voltage sensing) of the TLP7820 Isolation Amplifier
This reference design provides design guide and example of simulation waveform for bus voltage detection with optical isolation amplifier for motor control of servo and inverter.











我們提供開發產品板時所使用的模擬資料、封裝的 3D 模型以及焊盤圖案模型(2D 模型)。

MCU Motor Studio

MCU Motor Studio 具有專用於東芝 TXZ+TM系列高階微控制器的 PC 工具和馬達控制韌體。






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